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Chen, Shou-Hung


Ph.D. Soil and Environmental Sciences, National Chung Hsing University, 2004

M.S. Soil Science, National Chung Hsing University, 1993

B.S.  Land Resources, Chinese Culture University, 1991



Multidisciplinary Field Investigations of Geoscience in Yangmingshan

Application of GIS

Soil Science and Practice

Watweshed Analysis

Environmental Hydrology


Soil Environment, Soil Physics, Micrometeorology


Chen, Shou-Hung

Associate Professor

Office: Da Yi Building 518

Email: csh5@ulive.pccu.edu.tw

Telephone: 886-2-28610511 #25533



Selected Publications

  • Chang Chien S.W., S.H. Chen*, and K.J. Huang. 2015. Arsenic of Adsorption Characteristics in Taiwan Soils. J. Appl. Sci. Eng., 18 (4): 323-330. (EI COMPENDEX PLUS)
  • Wang, Y.P., S.H. Chen, K.W. Chang, and Y. Shen. 2012. Identifying and characterizing yield limiting factors in paddy rice using remote sensing yield maps. Precision Agriculture, 13(5): 553-567. (SCI, impact factor: 1.549, ISSN:1385-2256)
  • Wang, M.C., Y.T. Chen, S.H. Chen, S.W. Chang Chien*, and S. Satya Veni. 2012. Phytoremediation of pyrene contaminated soils amended with compost and planted with ryegrass and alfalfa. Chemosphere, 87: 217–225. (SCI, impact factor: 3.155, ranking: 14.6%. ISSN: 0045-6535
  • Chang Chien, S.W., C.H. Chang, S.H. Chen, M.C. Wang*, M. Madhava Rao, and S. Satya Veni. 2011. Oxidative degradation of pyrene in contaminated soils by δ-MnO2 with or without sunlight irradiation. Sci. Total Environ, 409: 4078-4086. (SCI, impact factor: 3.190, ranking: 13.5%. ISSN:0048-9697)
  • Chang Chien, S.W., C.H. Chang, S.H. Chen, M.C. Wang*, M. Madhava Rao, and S. Satya Veni. 2011. Effect of sunlight irradiation on photocatalytic degradation of pyrene in contaminated soils by micro-nano size TiO2. Sci. Total Environ, 409: 4101-4108. (SCI, impact factor: 3.190, ranking: 13.5%. ISSN:0048-9697)


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